
Overview of Gratify KYB API

The Gratify KYB (Know Your Business) API is designed to facilitate and streamline business verification processes. It offers a comprehensive set of endpoints to manage merchants, process their KYB inputs, and access associated results.

Key Features:

Merchants Management

  • Create a Merchant: Initiates the setup of a new merchant entity. Trigger KYB processing by updating merchant input data.

  • Retrieve Merchants: Fetches the list of all merchants, supports pagination and date filtering, and allows for detailed retrieval and updating of individual merchants by their merchantId.

  • Delete Merchant: Enables the deletion of a merchant record, while preserving the data integrity within the system.

Inputs Handling

  • Retrieve Inputs for a Merchant: Access all input data tied to a merchant, crucial for reviewing what information has been processed.

  • Update or Create Inputs: Allows both the creation of new input data and the updating of existing ones for a merchant, thereby ensuring data remains current and complete.

  • File Uploads: Generates temporary presigned POST URLs to enable direct file uploads to an S3 bucket, optimizing the file handling process.

Results Processing

  • Fetch KYB Results: Retrieves KYB process results for a merchant, which are generated based on defined configurations for input enrichment, verification, analysis, and actions.

  • Manage KYB Results: Offers capabilities to create, update, and delete KYB results for a merchant to maintain result accuracy and relevance.

  • Authentication for Evidence Files: Provides a mechanism to access KYB evidence through CloudFront cookies, securing sensitive file access.

Configuration Management

  • Retrieve Configurations: Access and manage configurations that influence KYB processing. This includes the details of inputs, enrichments, verifications, analyses, and actions associated with the data.

  • Configuration by Key: Drill down to specific configuration details using a unique key.

Technical Specifications:


  • Utilizes Basic Authentication over HTTPS where the API Key serves as the username and the API Secret as the password to secure API interactions.

Error Handling

  • Standardized response codes (400, 401, 404, 500) along with detailed error messages help in comprehending and addressing issues promptly.

Comprehensive Schema Definitions

  • Provides well-defined JSON schemas for input, configuration, result, and merchant entities facilitating consistent and predictable API interactions.

The Gratify KYB API is a powerful tool for businesses to automate and refine their due diligence processes, ensuring compliance and improving operational efficiency with streamlined data workflows.