Getting Started

Technical steps to get started

Basic Authentication

The Gratify Partner API uses Basic Auth over HTTPS for authentication for all API calls.


Provide your API credentials in the Authentication header of HTTPS calls to the API

Authentication: Base64(GratifyPartnerId + ":" + GratifyPartnerKey)

Development vs. Production

You will receive two sets of API credentials, one for development and testing purposes, and one for production purposes.

Any Merchants created with development keys cannot complete real-money transactions, but can be used for test transactions to facilitate further integration with settlement and reporting.


Merchants are locked to credentials

You can only access the Merchants associated with your credentials. If you create a merchant with one set of credentials, they can not be seen or moved to a different set of credentials.


Start using the API and integrating with your the Gratify Development API credentials and work with the Gratify technical support teams to plan and verify your integration and roll out to production.

Contact to get started!